FlashByte Comparison To Other Internet Services

Saturday, 01 January 2011 08:34 Last Updated on Sunday, 02 January 2011 10:24 Written by Michael McKinsey

All FlashByte packages include:

  • Unlimited data transfer.  This means there is no cap on the amount of downloads you can make or movies you can watch or games you can play or time you can spend on skype with your family and friends.  There will never be an extra fee because you used your FlashByte connection too much.
  • Free web hosting and email services.  Each FlashByte account includes access to a full service web hosting and email system.  The number of email accounts that are included with each package vary and they can be created and managed through your control panel interface.
  • No long term contracts or commitments.  Even our discounts for longer term billing options can always be changed back to monthly billing without large fees (see TOS for details).


Here are some of the key benefits in comparison to various other options:

Competitng Technology Problems Why FlashByte is Better

DSL packages:
  • Slow Download
  • Slow Upload
  • Basic packages are not fast enough to support high bandwidth applications like high resolution video streaming
  • Not Available in all Areas
  • Long Term Contracts
  • Often must be bundled with voice for best prices
  • Hidden Fees: actual bill is higher than ad price
  • Faster upload and download speeds for the price
  • Available in your area
  • No long term contract
  • No hidden fees - your bill will be for the amount advertised and nothing else
  • True high speed Internet for high resolution video streaming, low latency for high quality voice+video applications and gaming
  • No charge for email and web hosting control panel
  • Locally owned and operated since 2006
Satellite Internet Satellite packages:
  • Strict usage monitoring - slows to dial up speeds if you pass the cap
  • Long term contracts and penalties
  • Very high latency
  • Slow download speeds not fast enough to support high bandwidth applications like high resolution video streaming.
  • Very slow uploads
  • Expensive
  • Interactive services don't work well
  • Hidden Fees: actual bill is higher than ad price
  • Can download more than the monthly limit on most Satellite packages every day with no extra fees
  • No long term contract
  • No usage caps or extra fees
  • Unlimited Download/Upload
  • Much faster downloads and uploads
  • True high speed Internet for high resolution video streaming, low latency for high quality voice+video applications and gaming
  • No hidden fees - your bill will be for the amount advertised and nothing else
  • No charge for email and web hosting control panel
  • Locally owned and operated since 2006
3G/4G Wireless 3G/4G packages:
  • Strict usage monitoring - very expensive fees for going over the cap
  • Expensive
  • Long Term Contracts
  • Not reliable in all areas
  • Not installed at your location
  • Often far slower than maximum speeds
  • Hidden Fees: actual bill is higher than ad price
  • Can download more than the monthly limit on most 3G/4G packages every day with no extra fees
  • No usage caps or extra fees
  • No long term contract
  • Installed and tested at your location
  • No hidden fees - your bill will be for the amount advertised and nothing else
  • True high speed Internet for high resolution video streaming, low latency for high quality voice+video applications and gaming
  • No charge for email and web hosting control panel
  • Locally owned and operated since 2006
Cable Internet Cable Packages:
  • Expensive
  • Long term contracts for best prices
  • Introductory rates that go up dramatically after the initial term
  • Often must bundle with other products to get best prices
  • Hidden Fees: actual bill is higher than ad price
  • Not available in all areas
  • Available in your area
  • No long term contracts
  • Less expensive options
  • No hidden fees - your bill will be for the amount advertised and nothing else
  • No introductory rates - our packages are the same great value year after year
  • No charge for email and web hosting control panel
  • Locally owned and operated since 2006
Other fixed based wireless providers Other similar wireless technologies:
  • Startup/Unstable Companies
  • Many are not fast enough to support high bandwidth applications like high resolution video streaming
  • Lack of experience
  • Expensive
  • Slower speeds for the price
  • Not able to or interested in providing service to many areas
  • Available in your area
  • Faster speeds
  • Better prices
  • No long term contract
  • True high speed Internet for high resolution video streaming, low latency for high quality voice+video applications and gaming
  • Experienced - our founder and lead network engineer has been running computer network companies for three decades and working with fixed based wireless Internet technology since 1999
  • Long term commitment to community to provide the fastest and widest reaching coverage even where it is less profitable or difficult
  • No charge for email and web hosting control panel
  • Locally owned and operated since 2006
  • 705 brukere syntes dette svaret var til hjelp
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